Employee Relations

Employee Overview

Human Rights Protection 

Talent Cultivation and Developmen


General IDL

Junior Manager

Mid-level Manager

Senior Manager




Online training for new recruits



Job coaching


Occupational health and safety training

General knowledge training

Code of Conduct / Information Security / Export Control / Accounting Standards / Product Security / Intellectual Property Rights / Human Rights Policy / Antitrust / Anti-Bribery / J-SOX

Professional internal and external training

Quality Training / 9-BOOK / ISO Training / HSF Training / Various Functions / Professional Courses

Management training


Advancement to G21+ / Negotiations and business negotiations / Strategic planning and competitive advantage / Strategic cost management / Leadership /
Advancement to G16~20 / Target management / Internal control system / Manager financial management / Manager legal management /
Required for promotion to G14 / Problem analysis and solution / Communication and coordination / Project management / Daily management

Project platform

Talent Cultivation and Development Project / ARCI


Internal instructor training / Self-directed learning resources / On-campus on-the-job training

Enjoyable Workplace

Note: The black numbers in the table are for Solid State Storage Technology and the red numbers are the industry average